Sunday, January 12, 2014

Almost Arrested

Almost Arrested.
Literally.... One hot summer night, I was celebrating a reunion night with my sorority sisters.  We had joyously "passed the loving cup around"... and around.  And around.
We wisely chose to walk downtown.
En route, we came across a large construction area and a line of bright orange cones.
The cheerleader in me was ecstatic.  Cartwheeling,  Herkey jumping and Dancing down the road as I collected orange cones as my makeshift megaphones.  All in good fun, until I was Almost Arrested.
The swirling color of lights and the voice of the officer caught me mid-cartwheel.  "Ma'm, you need to go back and return those cones, please".
Ummmm. Nooooooooooooo. I was headed downtown.  I was not much interested in succumbing to his request.  My sorority sisters urged me to heed his "advice".  I sassily refused.
For your information, an escort to the back seat of a cop car will quickly sober one up.  The cones were returned.  I did get downtown, just a bit later than anticipated.
Figuratively... we all have moments when we are "almost arrested".  When a deer crosses the path of our vehicle.  When we come to a screeching halt  at an intersection when someone else does not.  When your life passes before your eyes.
 For a bit, you listen to that voice in your head and heed what life is telling you.  Then, there you go... off on your normal path to personal destruction or construction.  (Whichever you choose to call it).
Being Almost Arrested did not stop me from cartwheeling through life.  I still jump high and I am still, definitely, on megaphone level most days.  Oh, and I am still sassy.

1 comment:

  1. I got arrested after a night of drinking with my college buddies. I was stupid enough to try driving my car in that condition and the cop saw me put the key in the ignition and that was it. Busted! The jail bondsman card my brother had given me sure came in handy that night.
