Saturday, February 20, 2016

Journey On

I am still glad for the journey. Part of me envies those who are settled. Those who find comfort in sameness and partner hood and daily consistency. The ones who are content with a 9-5 job and reliable paycheck. Those. The others. I do not deny they have a journey. Every one of us does. It is just that their journey is so mapped out. So well written. It appears their roads lack potholes or curves or even steep hills.
Then, there is my journey. So many curves. So many times I have pedaled up the steep hill. But, ah, the rush of the wind in my face as I coast full speed ahead down that opposite side!
I still feel unsettled. This does not mean I am filled with discontent. This means I am certain that I have more to accomplish.  More adventures to hunt down and live through.
I have an occupation that brings new challenges and schedules on a regular basis. I live a creative life creatively.... And that takes great devotion.
Devotion. Spiritual commitment to a greater belief. I am striving each day to replace negativity with joy; to live a grateful life. I am devoted to this decision. Being grateful is a journey-- an active and aware state of being.
A journey can be physical or spiritual... Actual or imagined. I do not remember a time when I didn't actively daydream. My mind is a fortress filled with memories and wishes-- with brightly colored conceptions and aspirations.  My journey is mine. It changes daily like the barometer of my brain. Foggy or clear; hot or cold... Always a swirl of emotion and devotion.
If you are fine where you are, brava. Hats off. I don't even wish for that state of being anymore. I am almost to the top of my hill. I pedal slow and sure. I know I am cresting the top of a hill when life will be a zooming downhill cascade soon enough. I anticipate lungs filled with air, hands off handlebars, legs outstretched as pedals rotate freely and quickly. I can feel the tangle of my shoulder length hair as it extends behind my arched shoulders and my chin tips my face to a blue and cloud filled sky.
It is coming-- the final journey. I know not when or where. I know that I am grateful for my restless heart and dream filled head. Mmmmm. I am.