It isn't Empty Nest Syndrome
It isn't tears on somewhat sunken cheek bones or looking in the mirror to see a tired stranger
It isn't holding my breath when she shakes hands with Principal and grabs diploma with other and I can't hear for the roaring in my ears
The pride chanting in my head
The love bursting my veins
The hollow hole growing in my solo soul
She says every time I cry I owe her $5
I am already poor
She is my wealth
I am the single mother of a special needs daughter
I have walked away from everything and everyone else in this world
To run to her
I have sat vigil in cold hospital rooms
Stroking her face
Side swiping stray hairs
Caressing her tiny hand
I have slept in the curve of her feet at the bottom of her hospital bed
I have brought her home after 39 surgeries and fought with myself not to hold her hostage in the safety of our home
I have watched her fight to walk
To walk on
To walk away
I have hung on to let her go
And here we are
High school over
Success heaped on success
Smile painted on my thinning lips like a too bright lipstick
My hand aches for her little girl fingers to wrap around mine
But I see my hands now
Veins exposed
Wrinkles forming
Nails ignored
Unadorned left ring finger
I have not been His Wife
I have only been Her Mom
Open palm to fist and Palm again
I cannot question
I try to accept
Fly little bird
Mama's nest sits empty
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