Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Lotions and Potions

I want to know who comes up with the names on lotions and potions...
Lotions and Potions...that is what Madi called her special lotions, medicines, bath products from a very young age.  It stuck.
But, take a gander at the labels, all.  "Sunglow Mountain", "Enchanted Destination", "Country Chic", "Peppermint Passion" are all currently housed on my very own bathtub shelf.
Think about shampoo commercials.  Use that product and have instantly beautiful locks.
I want a life that works that way.
If I just use the right product, I will feel as if I am standing on a mountain, basking in sun glow.
Just smooth on some lotion, and BOOM, I have reached an Enchanted Destination!
Who needs real sex when you can have Peppermint Passion??

Personally, there I days I think I need anti-labels.  You know... A bath gel that says "Stuck in the sand".  A lotion that says "Too Tired To Think".  A shampoo labeled "Going Gray Today". 
I studied advertising and I understand the lure of labeling.
But, I wonder... would Anti-Labeling take off?
Are we ready for some honesty, for something that is so true it is laughable?
Part of me says, yes.  Yes, we are.
There are many days that I am.

But then, I walk in to my favorite bath product store.  I try the samples.  I see the enticing labels.  I look for coupons, and I buy in to the false promise of the glorious life these products offer.

Hey, why not?

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