Thursday, June 11, 2015

Needy Need Not Apply

I recall being independent at a very young age.  I was an only child for ten years, then "the oldest".  My parents simply expected I would do a vast array of chores.  I never wondered if other girls did.  I was expected to handle everything from dusting the bannister to mowing the lawn.  I weeded gardens, painted sheds, cooked dinner, cleaned house and watched The Baby Brother.  I recall hot summer days spent pushing the lawn mower and cold winter mornings shoveling snow.  I just did it.  I did not get an allowance.  I got love.  Seemed enough.
Here's the rub.  My parents raised me to be able to Do It All.  Clean house, do manly chores, take care of babies, work at a job, get good/great grades, and be a social butterfly.
Would seem I am a catch, eh?  Well.  Perhaps not.  I am almost 52 and decidedly single.  I have had a vast array of failed relationships in my life, and I think they all fall in to two distinct groups:
1.  The guy who couldn't stand it because I could do it all alone
2.  The guy who didn't do much or nada because I could do it all alone

#1.  Pissed me off
#2.  Wore me out

Hasta LaVista, baby.
I am now almost one year Manless.  Partnerless.  Alone.... but not lonely.  I have been approached by some men, but I have something to say:
Needy Need Not Apply.
I don't want to hear about your past failed relationships, and I assume you do not wish to hear about mine.
I don't want to hear about how LONELY you are.  Buy a pet or get a past time.  Pleeeease.  You are a Grown-Ass-Man.
I don't want to be called "Sweetie" or "Honey".  I'm not our "Sweetie" or "Honey".  I am a Grown-Ass-Woman.
I don't want you to SAY "You shouldn't have to do so much".  I want you to show me you will do it for me by... DOING IT FOR ME.
That's the bottom line, I guess.  A lifetime of independence leaves me in a place where something truly romantic and HOT would be the guy who mows my lawn while I'm at the studio.  The one who makes me dinner after work.  That guy.
Let's be clear.  Don't need the guy.  Many days, don't want the guy.  But, I'd LOVE to have my lawn mowed.  Today. No, really, the lawn... out back... on the hill.  No undertones or suggestive word play here, folks.
I have always loved my quiet time.  Reading, writing, day dreaming, gardening.  I want to get up and head out to an estate sale if I wish.  I want to sleep til 9 am if I want to.  I am content with what I have.  I have a wonderful daughter, an adoring dog, and extended friends and family.  I'm cool with all that.  So, if you are aware of all the above and Never Need To Be Needy, then there may be a puzzle piece missing here.  If not... I can get by without that small, missing piece. 
Too old for games and too young at heart for boredom.  No NEED for the Needy.  Seems about right.